Preserve our arable land
Responsible Solar advocates for the proper siting of utility-scale solar plants on industrial-zoned land, marginal or contaminated land, along highways, and on commercial and residential rooftops. Utility-scale solar does not belong on agricultural land. These are power plants. The industrialization of farmland and timberland is not green.
Responsible Solar
All aspects and components of the Solar facility shall meet the minimum setback requirement of 300 feet.
Requirement 1
Utility-scale solar facilities shall minimize and avoid locating on farmland with soils categorized as Prime Farmland and Farmland of Statewide Importance. No site shall have more than 50% of soils identified as Prime Farmland and Farmland of Statewide Importance.
Requirement 2
To preserve forest resources, Utility-scale solar facilities shall be located outside forested areas as identified and defined in the Comprehensive Plan and by a Pennsylvania State certified forester.
Requirement 3
Utility-scale solar facilities shall not be located within 1500 feet open visibility or 200 feet of historic and cultural resources as defined and listed in the Comprehensive Plans.
Requirement 4
Commercial solar energy facilities, as described in this ordinance, are permitted exclusively in zoning districts only by special use permit.
Requirement 5
The Solar Installer and Land owner shall bear all costs to the County for increased staff time and attention to matters related to construction, maintenance, administrative costs, and enforcement of the requirements of this section and the Special Use Permit.
Requirement 6
With these ideals addressed, everyone wins for the preservation of our landscape and scenic regional beauty.
...And local energy costs are reduced.